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Re: [gNewSense-users] Package freedom status reports.

From: Lee McCafferty
Subject: Re: [gNewSense-users] Package freedom status reports.
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2007 01:24:17 +0100

Sorry for late reply, I've been offline for a few days.
I will do an update to the wiki asap and could do a howto if helpful.

I basically followed the lead of other checkers. formatting the wiki is 
very easy and quick once you pick it up. I am doing checking by hand ( I
try to check a package or two when I get a chance). I believe Rek2 from
Binary Freedom posted a script for checking freedom verification to the
list but I have not had a chance to try it. In fact I will try and find
it and give it a go.

Checking the licences is somewhat laborious, but is hardly difficult
(why I volounteered ;)). I would actually have a few questions about how
we go about checking the licences.

i. I have been downloading the source packages and checking the
licences in the tarball, however in the wiki I link to the ubuntu
changelog for each licence, because the same licence is usually in both
places. It would obviously be easier to just check the changelog, but in
doing so could we miss anything without realizing?

ii. Licences are often specific to the package, they are not
particularly GPL, BSD or whatever. In these instances I just refer to
them as <program-name>licence and again link to the ubuntu changelog. I
hope that this is ok. Any suggestions?

I think that although licence checking seems like a huge task, a lot of
volounteers doing a couple of packages regularly could get the job done
fairly quickly. Anyway thanks for the encouragement, I will keep
chipping away at it.


On Sat, 2007-06-02 at 19:09 +0100, Chris Andrew wrote:
> Lee (lee797),
> I've just been having a look at the great work that people have been
> doing towards checking the status of packages.
> The way that you have done your status page, is really cool and easy
> to read.  Would it be possible for you to document (briefly?) this,
> somewhere that package checkers can see it.  I personally think that
> the way you have done it is the way forward, and would like to do it
> that way, myself. 
> If possible, could you explain how you did the column formatting, and
> any other tips you can offer.  It would certainly make my life easier.
> BTW, did you somehow script your checks, or do them by hand?
> Cheers, 
> Chris.
> (Good effort!)
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