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Re: [gNewSense-users] GPL'd kernel blobs removed from gnewsense

From: Paul O'Malley
Subject: Re: [gNewSense-users] GPL'd kernel blobs removed from gnewsense
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2007 07:15:29 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071022)

Don Parris wrote:
Not being a programmer, your comment aroused my curiosity.  If you have the
sources, how can the sources prevent a user from understanding the WHY in
this case?  I wouldn't likely understand it unless it was documented as to
'why' to begin with.  I really would like to get a little deeper insight.  I
have dabbled a little with programming in PHP/Python, but my practical
knowledge is very limited.  I do understand many of the basic concepts
however.  Wouldn't a programmer who is interested in hacking on the kernel
be able to analyze/discern the 'why'?  Why or why wouldn't (s)he?

Because it is machine code, i.e. a binary blob, not penetratable in the way of the C language, Perl, Python, PHP, or the Bash shell.

They are for want of a description precompiled and then published with permission to alter them in their compiled format.

Not the most user friendly  thing in the world.

They are free in spirit but non free in practice.



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