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[gNewSense-users] Re: Kernel Freedom Verification (KFV) Contributions (M

From: Christophe Jarry
Subject: [gNewSense-users] Re: Kernel Freedom Verification (KFV) Contributions (MAIN)
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 09:45:00 +0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080306)

Hi Chris,

The KFV statistics table is empty because I still haven't finished writing the script that could summarize the amount of work already done. Even if it was written, it first needs a reformatting of the old tables to let the script follow hyperlinks in the tables (to jump from table to table) and then calculate the degree of progression.

The PFV was easier as there were no subfolders of subfolders, so every checker could easily complete the big table of 'packages in MAIN' and the MarkusPFVscript summarized the content.

To have stats of the KFV, the work that have to be done is as follow:

- reformat all old tables to avoid multipointing urls, for this, I wrote the - script completed, the reformatting is still in progress; - calculate the number of files that have been checked, and their freedom status, and summarize the results in the table - script still in progress; - summarize the data of the previous table using a modified Markus PFV script - script has already been modified to achieve this, I'll release it when the second script will be completely written and working.

The links in the table don't contain anything yet, because the old tables need to be moved to the new formatted urls adresses pointed by the new table (the old urls are still there to help moving the tables - please don't delete it until new formatting has been done).

Hope my explanations are understandable :/



I'm confused about the work needed to populate the _Kernel Freedom
Verification (KFV) Contributions (MAIN)_ table.  Can you tell me where
we are with this?  It looks a bit empty at the moment.



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