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[gNewSense-users] Yet another Licensing question

From: Luis Alberto Guzmán García
Subject: [gNewSense-users] Yet another Licensing question
Date: Fri, 04 Apr 2008 00:47:02 -0600

 Copyright 1993 United States Government as represented by the Director,
National Security Agency. This software may only be used and distributed
according to the terms of the GNU General Public License as modified by
SRC, incorporated herein by reference.

I found this in linux-2-6-24-12-22/drivers/net/82596.c
The part
the terms of the GNU General Public License as modified by SRC

How come?
A license modified?, i looked over the internet but SRC is very common
the most "relevant" i foun was SRC Computers, Inc.

There are others "Copyright 1993 United States Government" but only this
one (so far) i found this weird line "as modified by SRC"

The complete text is in

Thanks for your time.

Luis A. Guzmán García
Colaborador/Usuario gNewSense
Sitio Web
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