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Re: [gNewSense-users] KFV Mode 0.4: fully recursive, better comment gath

From: briareoh
Subject: Re: [gNewSense-users] KFV Mode 0.4: fully recursive, better comment gathering
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 14:17:01 +0200

>         > What should I answer to the questions which come after running 
> kfv-start 
>         > command?
You must enter the directory where keep the config and work done.
Usually at ~/.gns-kfv Just only key in enter. Then the script asks you
about section to edit. Copy the url form the wiki, i.e. 
and then the script may choose the section in the kernel itself.

>         Also, is there a simple way to scroll the license-text when emacs is 
>         asking for the license-code?
The script also do this.


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