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Re: Can 6110 code for ringtone

From: Pawel Kot
Subject: Re: Can 6110 code for ringtone
Date: Tue, 07 May 2002 10:52:11 +0200


>>> address@hidden 7 May 2002 21:31:30 >>>
> I have quite a problem, I want to be able to send ringtone data from a
> 6110.  Is it possible?

Sure, I think it is already implemented in 0.3.x series. I should work in 0.4.x
soon also.

> I'm just wondering whether the code for 6110 specifically in function
> FB61_TX_DispatchMessage can be altered so I can send ringtone data from
> the phone.  In the following code what hex value could I look for so I
> would know that the SMS message contains ringtone data?

[cut the code]
The code you paste here is for dispatching *received* messages, not
for sending them.

> It doesn't necessarily have to be in this part of the code that I could
> make the changes, it would be ok if it should be done somewhere else in
> the code as long as it could be done that i could send ringtone data
> from a 6110.  

Well, see gsm-sms.c in the CVS. You have there UDH for ringtones. That's
what you need in fact.

> I also saw in the protocol that comes with gnokii in the security
> settings that I could set and get binary ringtone data...could u
> enlighted me about this one...could I use this?  

Erm? Could you be more specific? Security settings have nothing to do
with the ringtones.

> Also, in what location does the ringtone data reside, I know it's either
> in the SMS or Phone memory but can I specify it..? does it reside in the
> same place as SMS messages?

In the phone memory. But you shouldn't care. It's the phone that knows
what to do with a received rintgonte.

PS. You can also save a ringtone to a connected phone without sending SMS.

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