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how can i read network name operator ?

From: Yahia SINI
Subject: how can i read network name operator ?
Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 14:55:05 +0200

I write to you about a document that I have found on the Internet describing
the serial link protocols for Nokia phones (7110, 6210). In fact I am developing an
application using those protocols to display the operator's name and the network
power level, so I would like to be able to obtain those from the phone using the
serial link.
In fact I have tried the commands described in the document, but they don't seem
to work.
Those are the bytes that I actually send via the serial link (FBUS):
1e 00 0c 0a 00 04 00 01 70 40 62 4f
But I only get an acknowledge as a response, I get no network info at all.
What am I doing wrong?
Should I send this command through the FBUS, or else the M2BUS?
This is the document part I used to format the frame:
List format:
    hex: Short description
       x msg desc                { ... }
        0xXX   -> one byte
        0xXXYY -> two bytes (== 0xXX, 0xYY)
         where hex:     message type
               x:       s=send (eg. to mobile), r=receive
               { ... }: data after 0x00, 0x01 header
               {+... }: raw data (without header)

0x0a: Network status
    s get used network      { 0x0070 }
    r get used network      { 0x0071, available,?,?,length,netstatus,netsel,cellIDH,
                                      cellIDL,lacH,lacL,MCC+MNC[3],{Opstr}, 4?,
                                      len, xlen(78), ylen(21), 0, {bitmap} }
                              where {Opstr}: namelen, {operator name(unicode)}
                                    len: {xlen, ylen, 0, {bitmap} + 2
                                    {bitmap}: bitmaplen, 0, 0, {OTA bitmap}
    { FrameID, DestDEV, SrcDEV, MsgType, 0x00, FrameLength, {block},
      FramesToGo, SeqNo, PaddingByte?, ChkSum1, ChkSum2 }
         where FrameID:         0x1c: IR / FBUS
                                0x1e: Serial / FBUS
               DestDev, SrcDev: 0x00: mobile phone
                                0x0c: TE (FBUS) [eg. PC]
               MsgType:         see List
               FrameLength:     {block} + 2 (+ 1 if PaddingByte exists)
               FramesToGo:      0x01 means the last frame
               SeqNo:           [0xXY]
                                  X: 4: first block
                                     0: continuing block
                                  Y: sequence number
               PaddingByte:     0x00 if FrameLength would be an odd number
                                anyways it doesn't exists
               ChkSum1:         XOR on frame's odd numbers
               ChkSum2?:        XOR on frame's even numbers
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you very much in advance,

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