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Re: Small annoucement, 3310 support and question for gnokii developers f

From: Pavel Machek
Subject: Re: Small annoucement, 3310 support and question for gnokii developers from stupid ;-))) Marcin....
Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 21:05:14 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i


> Will backup to text file (easy to easy) pbk, calendar, wap settings,
> bookmarks, smsc settings,  startup logo, operator logo, caller
> groups.


> When have in "file" text in Unicode, will be converted to default GSM
> alphabet and send as sms to destination. No more error 4 known from
> gnokii, because mygnokii2 will wait until network will answer (you can
> of course break it)

Is longer delay enough to fix "error 4", or does it need some other
(about SSSCA) "I don't say this lightly.  However, I really think that the U.S.
no longer is classifiable as a democracy, but rather as a plutocracy." --hpa

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