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RE: gnokii-users digest, Vol 1 #131 - 15 msgs

From: HANA
Subject: RE: gnokii-users digest, Vol 1 #131 - 15 msgs
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2002 19:44:58 +0200

OK, I understand :-). But if you by chance have a relatively stabile version
younger than 15 days or if you have a know-how how to get such version from
CVS just now, please let me know. It would be really useful for me. Thank
you very much,

-----Original Message-----
Date: Wed, 05 Jun 2002 09:42:45 +0200
From: "Pawel Kot" <address@hidden>
To: <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: do you plan pre-release or release?
Reply-To: address@hidden

>>> address@hidden 4 June 2002 21:27:58 >>>
> Please, can you tell me, if you plan to prepare pre-release or release
> gnokii version? Is it clear when it should be published?

We do plan. But I don't want to give any deadlines anymore. Gnokii is
our hobby - we do it in out free time. It quite often happens that we have
something more important to do, and gnokii work delays then. We're close
to something I would call 0.4.0 version though.


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