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Re: Gnokii compatibility with Tekram IR-210B

From: Ernest Beinrohr
Subject: Re: Gnokii compatibility with Tekram IR-210B
Date: Sun, 09 Jun 2002 19:46:58 +0200
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Hallo, He is my configuration, It took me 4 weeks until it was usable. But now it works perfect for me. Don't forget to set you locale, if you want to get non-ASCII characters from gnokii!

# modprobe irda
# modprobe ircomm
# modprobe ircomm-tty
# modprobe irtty
# modprobe tekram

if you have the dongle on com1 as I have:
# /usr/sbin/irattach /dev/ttyS0 -d tekram -s

optional: turn on infrared on n6210, get it close to the dongle and run:
# irdadump

That's all, you can use gnokii. I have: 2.4.18 mandrake, tekram 210B, n6210

PS: my gnokii.conf:
port = /dev/ircomm0
model = 6210
connection = irda
initlength = 1
bindir = /usr/local/sbin/

Michael Samanov wrote:

I'm new here just because of that I've just bought IrDA. Unfortunatelly, I
bought exactly notorious Tekram IR-210B. So, can anybody tell me whether
does Gnokii work with it or it doesn't? There are conflicting words in the
source texts/readmes about it: some of them that Tekram is the only
incompatible device (happy I am!), and the others that it finally works with
some mysterious patches. My phone is 6210 and Gnokii responds something like
"Cant' initialize".

First of all, I made the little corrections in gnokii/gnokii.c:

--- gnokii.c.orig       Sat Jun  8 21:44:21 2002
+++ gnokii.c    Sat Jun  8 21:45:09 2002
@@ -331,6 +331,7 @@
        if (!strcasecmp(Connection, "infrared")) connection = GCT_Infrared;
        if (!strcasecmp(Connection, "irda"))     connection = GCT_Irda;
        if (!strcasecmp(Connection, "tcp"))      connection = GCT_TCP;
+       if (!strcasecmp(Connection, "tekram"))   connection = GCT_Tekram;

        aux = CFG_Get(CFG_Info, "global", "use_locking");

and in common\phones\nk7110.c:

--- nk7110.c.orig       Sat Jun  8 21:46:54 2002
+++ nk7110.c    Sat Jun  8 21:47:33 2002
@@ -295,6 +295,7 @@
                        err = FBUS_Initialise(&(state->Link), state, 1 -
                case GCT_Infrared:
+               case GCT_Tekram:
                case GCT_Irda:
                        if (try > 0) return GE_NOTSUPPORTED;
                        err = PHONET_Initialise(&(state->Link), state);

As I didn't study Gnokii sources in details, it was the best I could invent,
but, naturally, it doesn't work. I thought I missed something important. Can
anybody help or it's better to bring IrDA back to the shop?

Sincerely yours,
  Michael (mailto:address@hidden)

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