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Re: Gnokii error messages on send SMS

From: Pavel Machek
Subject: Re: Gnokii error messages on send SMS
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 22:46:06 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

On St 12-06-02 11:15:04, Marcin Wiacek wrote:
> > > Is there a way to lengthen the timeout, if I get a timeout, the
> message
> > > may still be sent, but an error is returned?
> > Yes. The timeout is set by gnokii, not by the phone.
> > You can lengthen the timeout in the driver sources.
> Another method is to use different software like mygnokii2. It doesn't
> have such problems.

Stop this. It is not helpfull.
(about SSSCA) "I don't say this lightly.  However, I really think that the U.S.
no longer is classifiable as a democracy, but rather as a plutocracy." --hpa

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