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Re: Controlling the Nokia phone using Microcontroller

From: Mark V
Subject: Re: Controlling the Nokia phone using Microcontroller
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 13:14:40 +1000


I came across this code that was derived from very early Gnokii source.  It
does work ( I used it to write BASCOM code to receive SMS's on AVR), but you
have to work out the serial layer.


Mark Voevodin

----- Original Message -----
From: Xie Lun Zhen
To: address@hidden
Sent: Monday, July 01, 2002 12:23 PM
Subject: Re: Controlling the Nokia phone using Microcontroller

Dear Mike and Mark,

    Thanks for your help.Now I feel confident to work out the project,just
because I have so many friends to help me. Thanks again.

    After I have make clear the hardware connection,it's the time for me
build the code from Gnokii source. I just use the sms sending and receiving.
My rom and Ram is limited,so I have to abstract the useful part. I hope I
can still get your suggestion on the source code and protocol notice.

 Best Regards


Attachment: getsms.c
Description: Binary data

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