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Re: SMS to mysql

From: Martin List-Petersen
Subject: Re: SMS to mysql
Date: 13 Aug 2002 15:46:11 +0200

On Tue, 2002-08-13 at 05:52, Mitch Arniego wrote:
> hi i am developing a system in which sms can be saved
> into a database.
> i'm currently using xgnokii and appending each coming
> sms to smsbox and then i used a (crude) tcl program
> that runs once a day to parse that file and enter the
> messages to the database.
> i was wondering in what file in the package i can edit
> so that instead of putting it in the textfile, i can
> put it directly to the database.
> thanks in advance!

Maybe you should have a look at the alamin sms gateway. It's written in
perl and has the ability to use gnome supportet phones.

This one actually handles everything, spool, fetch of sms and so on. It
just executes a script every time a new sms is coming in and i store
then in the database then.

Martin List-Petersen
martin at list-petersen dot dk
Soap and education are not as sudden as a massacre, but they are more
deadly in the long run.
                -- Mark Twain

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