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Anyone had any success with a 6360?

From: Tony Lill
Subject: Anyone had any success with a 6360?
Date: Fri, 06 Sep 2002 13:53:57 EDT

Just for laughs, I added 6360 to the models supported by the n6100.c
file, and got this. Obviously, there's more to it than that.

sudo gnokii/gnokii --identify
GNOKII Version 0.5.0pre
Opened configuration file /home/ajlill/.gnokiirc
Added new section global
Adding key/value port//dev/ircomm0
Adding key/value model/6360
Adding key/value initlength/default
Adding key/value connection/infrared
Adding key/value bindir//usr/local/sbin/
Serial device: opening device /dev/ircomm0
Serial device: setting RTS to low and DTR to high
IR init, retry=0
Serial device: setting speed to 9600
Serial device: setting speed to 115200
IR init succeeded
Message sent: 0x40 / 0x0004
00 01 64 01                                     |   d             
SM_Block Retry - 0
Message sent: 0x40 / 0x0004
00 01 64 01                                     |   d             
The fbus stream is out of sync - expected 0x0c, got  0
SM_Block Retry - 1
Message sent: 0x40 / 0x0004
00 01 64 01                                     |   d             
The fbus stream is out of sync - expected 0x0c, got  0
SM_Block Retry - 2
Telephone interface init failed: Command timed out. Quitting.

Here's the irdadump from the discovery:
17:43:34.242510 xid:cmd 27524029 > ffffffff S=6 s=* tardis hint=0400 [ Computer 
] (22)
17:43:36.702545 xid:cmd 27524029 > ffffffff S=6 s=0 (14)
17:43:36.792540 xid:cmd 27524029 > ffffffff S=6 s=1 (14)
17:43:36.792531 xid:rsp 27524029 < 0000884e S=6 s=0 Nokia 6360 hint=9125 [ PnP 
Modem Telephony IrCOMM IrOBEX ] (27)

I can talk using CU and get to the AT command set, but using AT as a
model doesn't work either.

My gnokiirc file is:

port = /dev/ircomm0
model = 6360
initlength = default
connection = infrared
bindir = /usr/local/sbin/

Tony Lill,                         address@hidden
President, A. J. Lill Consultants        fax/data (519) 650 3571
539 Grand Valley Dr., Cambridge, Ont. N3H 2S2     (519) 241 2461
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