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Re: compiling gnokii under Win32/cygwin, HOWTO

From: Pawel Kot
Subject: Re: compiling gnokii under Win32/cygwin, HOWTO
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 11:39:18 +0200

>>> address@hidden 18 September 2002 11:27:42 >>>
> append this to winserial.c:
> GSM_Error serial_nreceived(int fd, int *n)
> {
>         return GE_NONE;
> }
> GSM_Error serial_flush(int fd)
> {
>         return GE_NONE;
> }
> Of course this is a hack, but it seems to work ok.

OK. Will add this.

> > DESTDIR is the environment variable that allows you to install gnokii not
> > under the / but under the required root dir (eg. when you create the
> > binary package or then not installing as root.
> This is not a standard autoconf feature.

AFAIK it is the standard autoconf feature.

> Normally, you configure the
> destination directory as an option to ./configure (ie
> ./configure --prefix=/my/inst/dir/path).

No. --prefix denotes the directory related to the installation root.

> Currently, if DESTDIR is not defined, install attempts to install the files
> in "//usr/local/bin", which is an invalid path. This is because DESTDIR =
> "", and libdir = /usr/local/bin, so the expression $(DESTDIR)/${libdir} is
> incorrect (containing two slashes).

I think //usr/local/bin is the valid path. I'll consider removing a slash 
DESTDIR and the next variable though.

>  I've never seen this DESTDIR method before

And this looks impossible for me as 90% of the programs I compile use
this method.


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