On Fri, 27 Sep 2002 16:48:58 +0200
Markus Plail <address@hidden> wrote:
Yes, It works.
But have two problem:
first: The char_encode_ucs2/char_decode_ucs2 not works correctly.
try my test app.
other: The xxxx_ucs2 and xxx_unicode not share the xxxx_uni_alphabet function.
Please try my new patch and new test program.
- Hu Gang
#include <stdio.h>
#include <locale.h>
/* to build */
/* gcc -o tst_unicode -L /home/hugang/deve/cvs/internet/gnokii/common/ \
* -lgnokii
/* interface to call gnokii lib */
extern void char_encode_unicode(unsigned char *, const unsigned char *, int);
extern void char_decode_unicode(unsigned char *, const unsigned char *, int);
extern void char_decode_ucs2(unsigned char* , const unsigned char* , int);
extern void char_encode_ucs2(unsigned char* , const unsigned char* , int);
const unsigned char *cin = "?12?15";
/* feff 4f60 0031 0032 597d 0031 0035 000a * unicode of it */
const int clen = 12;
/* copy from address@hidden@myGnokii */
dump_string(const char *message, int messagesize)
int i;
char buf[17];
buf[16] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < messagesize; i++) {
if (i % 16 == 0) {
if (i != 0) printf(" %s", buf);
memset(buf, ' ', 16);
} else {
printf("%02x", message[i] & 0xff);
if (isprint(message[i]) && message[i]!=0x09) {
if ((i+1) % 16 != 0) printf("%c", message[i]);
buf[i % 16] = message[i];
} else {
if ((i+1) % 16 != 0) printf(" ");
buf[i % 16] = '.';
if (i % 16 == 0) {
printf(" %s", buf);
} else {
printf("%*s %s", 4 * (16 - i % 16) - 1, "", buf);
unsigned char u_dest[512];
unsigned char m_dest[512];
/* dump the old string */
dump_string(cin, clen);
/* convert it to unicode */
memset(u_dest, 0, 512);
char_encode_unicode(u_dest, cin, clen);
dump_string(u_dest, clen * 2);
/* conver the unicode to old*/
memset(m_dest, 0, 512);
char_decode_unicode(m_dest, u_dest, clen);
dump_string(m_dest, clen);
/* convert it to unicode */
memset(u_dest, 0, 512);
char_encode_ucs2(u_dest, cin, clen);
dump_string(u_dest, clen * 4);
/* conver the unicode to old*/
memset(m_dest, 0, 512);
char_decode_ucs2(m_dest, u_dest, clen);
dump_string(m_dest, clen);
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");