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Re: info on connecting with 5165

From: Ruotger . Skupin
Subject: Re: info on connecting with 5165
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2002 14:29:31 +0200

Am Dienstag, 08.10.02, um 04:19 Uhr (Europe/Berlin) schrieb James Gregurich:

address@hidden bayou0]$ gnokii --getdatetime
GNOKII Version 0.4.3
Telephone interface init failed! Quitting.
use the newest CVS sources. There's also a regular tarball on

1) in principle, should gnokii work with my phone? If it should, can anyone give me any guidance on what serial port settings I need?
There's quite good info in the /Docs directory

2) if gnokii does not work, should I be able to connect to the phone with the serial port and be able to change things like the phone book? If so, what are the details or links to the details?
Should work with at-commands but the at-command support for the phone book is "quite limited".

Any tips would be appreciated. If I get gnokii working on Linux, and it looks useful, I'll port it to OS X.
gnokii works on MacOS X. BUT there is no IrDA support. This is an Apple problem however, since there's no API to the MacOS X IrDA protocol stack.

Ruotger "Roddi" Skupin mailto:address@hidden aim:rraubtigger

"address@hidden" wird bald abgeschaltet, bitte nur noch "address@hidden" benutzen. "address@hidden" will be switched off soon, please use "address@hidden".

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