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N3330 - Unhandled frame received

From: Ender
Subject: N3330 - Unhandled frame received
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2003 01:49:52 +0100


I've encountered a problem with my N3330.

gnokii --getsmsc 1  
  GNOKII Version 0.5.0pre4  
  request: 0x02 / 0x0006  
  00 01 00 33 64 01                               |    3d  
  reply: 0x02 / 0x0004  
  01 0f 00 c9                                     |  
  Please read Docs/Reporting-HOWTO and send a bug report!  
  Error: The current frame isn't handled by the incoming function
gnokii --sendsms <number_removed>
  GNOKII Version 0.5.0pre4  
  request: 0x02 / 0x0006  
  00 01 00 33 64 01                               |    3d  
  reply: 0x02 / 0x0004  
  01 0f 00 c9                                     |  
  Please read Docs/Reporting-HOWTO and send a bug report!  
  Please enter SMS text. End your input with <cr><control-D>:test  
  request: 0x02 / 0x002e  
  00 01 00 01 02 00 01 81 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |  
  00 00 11 00 00 00 04 09 81 77 87 89 28 f6 00 00 |          w  (  
  00 00 00 a9 00 00 00 00 00 00 f4 f2 9c 0e       |  
  reply: 0x02 / 0x0004  
  01 0f 00 c9                                     |  
  Please read Docs/Reporting-HOWTO and send a bug report!  
  SMS Send failed (The current frame isn't handled by the incoming function)

gnokii --sendsms <number_removed> --smsc 608005681  
  GNOKII Version 0.5.0pre4  
  Please enter SMS text. End your input with <cr><control-D>:test  
  request: 0x02 / 0x002e  
  00 01 00 01 02 00 06 81 06 08 50 86 f1 00 00 00 |           P  
  00 00 11 00 00 00 04 09 81 77 87 89 28 f6 00 00 |          w  (  
  00 00 00 a9 00 00 00 00 00 00 f4 f2 9c 0e       |  
  reply: 0x02 / 0x0004  
  01 0f 00 c9                                     |  
  Please read Docs/Reporting-HOWTO and send a bug report!  
  SMS Send failed (The current frame isn't handled by the incoming function)

gnokii --identify  
  GNOKII Version 0.5.0pre4  
  IMEI         : <removed>  
  Manufacturer : Nokia  
  Model        : NHM-6  
  Revision     : SW 04.50, HW 1004

If I run gnokii --sendsms twice (consecutively), it'll write "SMS send 
succeeded", but nothing actually happens (except for that logo and information 
about signal strength vanishes from phone's display)
I've tried it on win32 (cygwin) and on linux (but only using VMware emulation) 
- the same result.

--getsms and --getlogo works fine.

I've tried connecting friends N3310 on the same computer using the same cable. 
--sendsms worked, but --sendlogo didn't, nevertheless it might've been caused 
by the phone (it's in very bad condition - sometimes sms/phonebook entry 
vanishes, or it beeps like sms have been received when it actually haven't or 

I tried to compile version from 0.4.0 up, but none of them worked, only the old 
0.3.3 did.


Live long and prosper

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