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[Bug#175176: full debug info for the bug(s), and a patch for the configu

From: Bradley Marshall
Subject: [Bug#175176: full debug info for the bug(s), and a patch for the configure file]
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 08:45:25 +1000
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

Hi all,

Here's some more information on one of the bugs.

----- Forwarded message from Peter Gervai <address@hidden> -----

Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 15:42:16 +0100
To: address@hidden, Bradley Marshall <address@hidden>
From: Peter Gervai <address@hidden>
Subject: Bug#175176: full debug info for the bug(s), and a patch for the 
configure file
Reply-To: Peter Gervai <address@hidden>, address@hidden
Resent-From: Peter Gervai <address@hidden>
Resent-Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 14:48:11 GMT
User-Agent: Mutt/1.4i

Tags: patch


Since it annoyed me to death that gnokii either crashes on calendar reads,
or retrieve bogus information (I cannot retrieve more than 100 calendar
entries out of 600), I compiled with full debug info, and here's the result.

By the way configure script seems to be broken regarding --enable-debug:

--- c   2002-08-05 18:21:21.000000000 +0200
+++ configure   2003-01-13 15:10:41.000000000 +0100
@@ -1274,7 +1274,7 @@

-if test -n "$CFLAGS"; then
+if test -z "$CFLAGS"; then
        CFLAGS="-O2 -Wall"

Apart from that the gdb report is attached gzipped to the mail (to prevent
it to get crawled by webbots, and to compress it anyway). 

The problem was reproduced by using the already mentioned 7110/fbus combo,

/usr/lib/gnokii/gnokii --getcalendarnote 1 10

it crashes on the second one.

Probably very related the other problem that gnokii cannot retrieve calnotes
above #100, it retrieves #1 instead. Seems someone thought 100 notes ought
to be enough for anybody. :-)

I'm testing the full-debug version right now, and I can provide some more
crashes with this phone and different places (like xgnokii crashing on
saving options). Please tell me whether you want them or not (I won't intend
to play with this for too long so it's probably now or never), and what way
do you prefer.


----- End forwarded message -----

|Brad Marshall                    |           Plugged In Software|
|Senior Systems Administrator     ||
|mailto:address@hidden   |  GPG Key Id: 47951BD0 / 1024b|
 Fingerprint:  BAE3 4794 E627 2EAF 7EC0  4763 7884 4BE8 4795 1BD0

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