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possible Bug in xgnokii or gnokii or nk6510.c

From: Ulrich Hopp
Subject: possible Bug in xgnokii or gnokii or nk6510.c
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 08:13:42 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3


gnokii : latest version from CVS 0.5.0pre (11.01.2003)
Phone : Nokia 6310 V 4.10 04-01-02 NPE-4
Cabel : DLR3-3P
System SuSE 8.1 ( ftp update )

in "nk6510.c"
static gn_error NK6510_SendSMS(gn_data *data, struct gn_statemachine *state)
        if (sm_message_send(pos + 9, NK6510_MSG_SMS, req, state)) return 
        do {
                error = sm_block_no_retry_timeout(NK6510_MSG_SMS, 
state->config.smsc_timeout, data, state);
        } while (!state->config.smsc_timeout && error == GN_ERR_TIMEOUT);
        return error;

"state->config.smsc_timeout" seems not to be initialized when sending a 
message from xgnokii. I always got an error (timeout) message although 
everyting works fine. I don't know where this should be done and what value 
to choose. So its up to the gnokii wizards to patch this. ;-)


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