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new to gnokii, almost working, but...

From: Michael Wilkes
Subject: new to gnokii, almost working, but...
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 01:12:27 -0800 (PST)

I just started using gnokii, have installed 0.4.3 on debian linux box with
a nokia 3410 attached to my /dev/ttyS0 and can talk to the phone just
fine, reading SMS messages, reading the datetime, dial a voice number,
etc. But when I try:

        gnokii --sendsms 31652346714

I can enter some text and hit <cr><control-D>

but get this error (debug mode on):

Please enter SMS text. End your input with <cr><control-D>:test 8

request: 0x02 / 0x0031
00 01 00 01 02 00 01 81 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |
00 00 11 00 00 00 07 0b 81 13 56 32 64 17 f4 00 |           V2d
00 00 00 a9 00 00 00 00 00 00 f4 f2 9c 0e c2 29 |                )
00                                              |
reply: 0x02 / 0x0004
01 0f 00 c9                                     |
Please read Docs/Reporting-HOWTO and send a bug report!
SMS Send failed (The current frame isn't handled by the incoming function)

There is no such file Docs/Reporting-HOWTO, so I appeal to this list...

I am using a Vodafone prepaid card/SIM on this phone, so the SMSC is
vodafone in the netherlands. Thanks!

--Michael Wilkes                                      ////
  address@hidden                               (o O)

      w w w. _  _ | _  _ _|_ . _.n e t
            (/_(_ |(/_(_  |_ |(_|
    Hi! I'm Troy McClure! You may remember me from such films as:
    "Preacher With a Shovel" (with Dolores Montenegro), and
    "Troy McClure's Pre-Teen Soul Machine"!

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