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Re: 6310i + gnokii + irda

From: Bohdan Linda
Subject: Re: 6310i + gnokii + irda
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 09:59:01 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030908 Debian/1.4-4



07:55:31.622985 xid:cmd 305e87bd > ffffffff S=6 s=0 (14)
07:55:31.712981 xid:cmd 305e87bd > ffffffff S=6 s=1 (14)
07:55:31.802981 xid:cmd 305e87bd > ffffffff S=6 s=2 (14)
07:55:31.892983 xid:cmd 305e87bd > ffffffff S=6 s=3 (14)
07:55:31.971323 xid:rsp 305e87bd < 0000384e S=6 s=3 Nokia 6310i hint=b125 [ PnP Modem Fax Telephony IrCOMM IrOBEX ] (28)
07:55:31.982978 xid:cmd 305e87bd > ffffffff S=6 s=4 (14)
07:55:32.072983 xid:cmd 305e87bd > ffffffff S=6 s=5 (14)
07:55:32.162983 xid:cmd 305e87bd > ffffffff S=6 s=* zoidberg hint=0400 [ Computer ] (24)

model = AT

xgnokii freezes.


Simon Huggins wrote:

Hmm, can't really comment on the model specific stuff but you might like
to check that irdadump can see your 6310 see the gnokii-IrDA-Linux
document for clues on that.

Also you could try model = AT in the .gnokiirc.

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