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Re: Nokia 6130/6110: no response with --monitor

From: Ekkard Gerlach
Subject: Re: Nokia 6130/6110: no response with --monitor
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 11:42:40 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

Hallo Pawel,

* Pawel Kot schrieb:

> Are you sure, the cable is OK?

entirely new! But I purchased two ones. I opened
the second cable cartridge and I got a surprise: THE SECOND 
IDENTICAL CALBLE WORKS!!! Thank you very much Pawel!!
The first cable is not okay!

gnokii --monitor: 
Received message type 0a
Network: E-Plus (Germany), LAC: 0044, CellID: 02ba
Getting rf level...

gnokii --identify
Received message type 0c
IMEI         : 495502202450661
Manufacturer : Nokia
Model        : NSK-3
Revision     : SW 5.60, HW 2460
Serial device: closing device

It works with both: 

serial_baudrate = 19200   or   115200

and same with

connection = serial  or  dau9p

okay, it seems to work. I tried minicom on /dev/ttyS1
with 57600 8N1. Does not work ... hmmmm ....


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