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Re: gnokii-users Digest, Vol 12, Issue 13

From: Monari Emanuele
Subject: Re: gnokii-users Digest, Vol 12, Issue 13
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2003 16:13:23 +0100

> Did you compile one? Did you install it. Did you read README or manual page
> in smsd directory?
>                               jan
I've found this problem is also in version 7.4, but now I think I have
resolved problem, that, in effects, it's a debian packaging problem.
smsd search for the db plugin library in /usr/share/smsd/, when it's
located in /usr/lib/smsd (I tried to link to the wrong library - e.g.
the pg library instead of the db plugin - so I wasn't able to start smsd
correctly :) ). I'll write a reportbug at the debian people for resolve
this one. 
I was in wrong, when I was thinking about an incompatibility with pg
7.4... Excuse me!!!!

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