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Re: gnokii worked once! argh!!

From: Jeffrey G. Ubalde
Subject: Re: gnokii worked once! argh!!
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 17:26:37 +0800

> Please run the following command:
>     fgrep expected common/links/fbus.c
> It has to print the following lines three times:
>     dprintf("The fbus stream is out of sync - expected 0x0c, got 0x%02x\n", 
> rx_byte);
> If it contains the "0x" string after "got" (as this example states) your
> cvs copy is up to date. 

i issued a 'fgrep expected common/links/fbus.c' at gnokii dir and i got
a 'dprintf("The fbus stream is out of sync - expected 0x0c, got
0x%02x\n", rx_byte);' three times, so this confirms i got the latest CVS

then I recompiled gnokii after issuing a make clean....

and VIOLA!!!! it worked!! FINALLY!!! 

Thanks sir BOZO.... thanks a lot and thanks also sir pkot.... I can
finally start with my project...

THANKS Gnokii team.. GNOKII RULES!!!

Jeffrey G. Ubalde <address@hidden>

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