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Re: [OpenSync] Gnokii

From: Armin Bauer
Subject: Re: [OpenSync] Gnokii
Date: Sun, 01 Aug 2004 21:32:25 +0200

On Sun, 2004-08-01 at 10:54, Dave Hall wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have been doing some thinking about openSync, most of it pretty dull,
> so I won't bore people with it.
> One thing I was thinking of it that Nokia mobile phones to the best of
> my knowledge will only sync using syncML via GPRS, which can get
> costly.  Gnokii ( is GNU/Linux implementation of
> nokia's backup/restore system (and more).  It would be great if there
> could be a slightly hackish system to sync Nokia phones via cable.
> Just thought I would throw it out there and see what people think.  
> I haven't had any previous contact with the project, so I have no idea
> what the support for such a concept would be.

It probably will be possible to implement this since we need to support
these kind of devices anyways. There a lot of devices out there where
the database is pulled completly from the device, synced locally and
then pushed onto the device again. Opie would be another example that
requires this handling.

Stay tuned for some more information on opensync soon. Right now im
writing my exams (the next one tomorrow to be precise :( I will be
finished on august 10th... so expect some more details after this date.

> Cheers
> Dave
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