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nokia 3100, java, phones that don't work

From: David N. Welton
Subject: nokia 3100, java, phones that don't work
Date: 13 Sep 2004 15:02:25 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

Hi, last things first:

How does this stack up to gnokii at the moment?  List archives
indicate some friction... I'm interested more in the functionality for
my phone.

I have a nokia 3100 and managed to sort of get it working with gnokii
last night, using 'model 6510'.  Is there a more appropriate model to
use?  Logos don't seem to work though, which I suppose makes sense
given that the phone is different, and playing with ringtones was
"weird" (phone stopped making any noise for a bit).  'AT' mode doesn't
work.  I am running kernel with an MA-8620E usb cable (pl2303


Is it possible to upload java apps with gnokii?  gammu supposedly
supports that.

And lastly:

I recently created a site that attempts to catalog hardware that
doesn't work with Linux.  That also includes a mobile phones section:

Phones that are at all incompatible should be listed, with the degree
of functionality (say everythig but ringtones works, you could put
%90), and the reason (manufacturer not giving out specs, no one
bothered to write it, etc...).

Thanks much for your time,
David N. Welton
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