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Re: DKU-5 and FreeBSD

From: Brian Reichert
Subject: Re: DKU-5 and FreeBSD
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 16:01:28 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.6i

On Mon, Sep 13, 2004 at 02:46:26AM -0600, address@hidden wrote:
> Good localtime(),
> I'm statring to work on a project, and a part of it is to make a cell
> phone [fully] controllable by a computer. One way to achieve this
> is to emulate keypresses through a data port. So, can somebody help me
> to figure out what Nokia cell-phone model I need to get to be able to
> do that, or at least send SMS E-mails from it, using Gnokii under FreeBSD?

I would like to be helpful, if possible.  I use FreeBSD as well,
and have a Nokia 6800, which also uses a DKU-5 cable.

> I'd also like to know if it's possible to make the DKU-5 cable
> ( work with FBSD.

Dunno, I have a different OEM cable:

  Mobile Actions MA-8620E

This cable 'works' under FreeBSD, to the extent that the phone says
'data accessory attached', and FreeBSD usbd detects the device:

  Sep 13 15:50:01 natto /kernel: ugen0: Prolific Technology PL2303 Serial
  adapter (ATEN/IOGEAR UC232A), rev 1.10/2.02, addr 2

This requires a kernel patch available here:


That author of that page says 'However Gammu and Gnokii won't work
with this cable', then later says 'I have finally managed to make
this cable WORK'.  Only now, I notice a note implying AT mode might
work, so I'm off to test that right now...

Does the OEM DKU-5 cable you mention show up as a data accessory
with your phone?  Or is the issue that you haven't selected a DKU-5
compatable model at all?

Brian Reichert                          <address@hidden>
37 Crystal Ave. #303                    Daytime number: (603) 434-6842
Derry NH 03038-1713 USA                 BSD admin/developer at large    

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