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Re: smsd

From: Emmanuel Frécon
Subject: Re: smsd
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 07:27:29 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (X11/20040913)

I also use smsd (file db and process for reception). Please feel free to ask if you need any help setting it up, even though things are pretty much straightforward. Note that you have to compile it yourself, it does not get compiled by default. At least that was the state last time I checked.

Jeffrey G. Ubalde wrote:

I do use smsd, someone from this list integrated smsd with his PHP based
frontend (PlaySMS). And as far as i have used smsd, i can attest that
smsd is a sweeeet tool to send and store sms using a database
(opensource at that).


On Wed, 2004-09-29 at 06:20, Jan Derfinak wrote:
Does anybody uses smsd ?
I hope, yes.

It is part of the suite or na extra?
Am i at the right place?
I know it uses gnokii, but is the this the right list?
I am doing some work on it and would like to contribute to the project, is
this the right place?


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