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Re: gnokii current status

From: Pawel Kot
Subject: Re: gnokii current status
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2005 23:18:36 +0200 (CEST)

On Sun, 17 Apr 2005, Pawel Kot wrote:

There wasn't a gnokii release for already a long time. Although we had many improvements in CVS, I didn't want to make a release due to the pending copyright issues. I should start commiting the "fixes" tonight or tomorrow and expect the next release in few days.
Okay, this is done. All files are reviewed and the copyright info is 
updated with the proper info (according to cvs logs, mailing list archive 
and my memory). I'm copying gammu-legal list and related debian bug queue 
where this issue arised.
To my best knowledge, the issue should be closed but if anybody feels 
otherwise, please contact me at gnokii-users ml.
I want to introduce just a few minor changes and that will be 0.6.5 
release (there ware really many updates since the previous one).
take care,
PS. Brad, could you please change the gnokii package description for the debian package -- it is not Nokia only.
p k o t a t b e z s e n s u d o t p l

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