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Re: Request for entry-level help.

From: Cameron Laird
Subject: Re: Request for entry-level help.
Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 16:31:21 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

> Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 00:24:51 +0200
> From: Pawel Kot <address@hidden>
> > So:  how does a beginner begin?
> By reading included documentation in the distribution tarball. There
> are also useful comments in gnokiirc. There's also a manpage. There's
> gnokii --help.
> take care,
> pkot
> PS. There's not always someone active on #gnokii. We're mostly (except
> Hugh) European, so also take it under consideration when choosing a
> time to join the channel. It is wise to ask the question and leave the
> active session for a couple of hours.
Great!  This helps more than you know.

Is anyone working with MacOS?  Does anyone *want* to work with
MacOS?  I have a mild preference for developing under MacOS, my
customers want Win* results, and I much prefer Linux to Win*.

In about a week, I'll probably be working with Motorola V600, 
along with the Nokia 6610 with which I began.

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