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Bluetooth connection: Nokia 6230

From: a-vince
Subject: Bluetooth connection: Nokia 6230
Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 17:09:08 +0200


I tried to setup a bluetooth connection with my Nokia 6230 phone, but I only
got partial success, so far.  I checked both gnokii documentation and the
archive of this list, but I could not advance much in solving the problem.

Here is a sample of a gnokii attempt to connect with the phone:

  address@hidden:/home/vincenzo> gnokii --identify
  GNOKII Version 0.6.3
  IMEI         : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  Manufacturer : Nokia
  Model        : Nokia 6230
  Revision     : V 04.44

  address@hidden:/home/vincenzo> gnokii --getdatetime
  GNOKII Version 0.6.3
  Error: Command called isn't implemented in model.

  address@hidden:/home/vincenzo> gnokii --getphonebook SM 1
  GNOKII Version 0.6.3
  Error: Unknown error - well better than nothing!!

There are also problems with KAddressBook and other KDE applications.  But,
since those applications use gnokii (I think) to connect with the telephone,
I guess that's only to be expected.

I also tried with gammu, which I believe is partly based on, or related to
gnokii, with somewhat better luck:

  address@hidden:/home/vincenzo> gammu --identify
  Manufacturer  : Nokia
  Model         : 6230 (RH-12)
  Firmware      : 04.44 C (21-09-04)
  Hardware      : 0704
  IMEI          : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  address@hidden:/home/vincenzo> gammu --getdatetime
  Phone time is Tue 24 May 2005 15:14:41
  Time format is 12 hours
  Date format is DD MM YYYY, date separator is /

  address@hidden:/home/vincenzo> gammu --getmemory SM 10
  Memory SM, Location 10
  Name             : "Segr voce OFF"
  General number   : "##004**11#"


So, I suspect there is something wrong in my configuration of gnokii.  I'm
appending below some additional information I hope could help identifying the

Thanks in advance.


Some info about bluetooth connection:
  address@hidden:/home/vincenzo> hcitool scan
  Scanning ...
          00:12:62:0C:BB:3B       Nokia 6230

Extract (hand-formatted) from "sdptool browse 00:12:62:0C:BB:3B":
  Service Name: OBEX Object Push          Channel: 9
  Service Name: OBEX File Transfer        Channel: 10
  Service Name: Dial-up networking        Channel: 1
  Service Name: Nokia PC Suite            Channel: 15
  Service Name: COM 1                     Channel: 3
  Service Name: Voice Gateway             Channel: 13
  Service Name: Audio Gateway             Channel: 12
  Service Name: SIM ACCESS                Channel: 4

Gnokii info [Binary rpm from SUSE (gnokii-0.6.3-3.1)]:
  address@hidden:/home/vincenzo> gnokii --version
  GNOKII Version 0.6.3
  Built 00:28:58 Oct 21 2004

  address@hidden:/home/vincenzo> grep -v ^# $HOME/.gnokiirc | grep -v ^$
  port = 00:12:62:0C:BB:3B
  model = AT
  initlength = default
  connection = bluetooth
  use_locking = yes
  serial_baudrate = 19200
  smsc_timeout = 10
  bindir = /usr/sbin/
  TELEPHONE = 12345678
  debug = off
  rlpdebug = off
  xdebug = off

Gammu info [Binary rpm from SUSE (gammu-0.97.7-2)]
  address@hidden:/home/vincenzo> gammu --version
  [Gammu version 0.97.7 built 01:44:23 Oct  2 2004]

  address@hidden:/home/vincenzo> grep -v ^# $HOME/.gammurc | grep -v ^$
  port = 00:12:62:0C:BB:3B
  connection = bluephonet

System info [Distribution: SUSE 9.2]:
  address@hidden:/home/vincenzo> uname -sr
  Linux 2.6.8-24.14-default

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