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Re: nokia 7210 --NHL-4

From: michal
Subject: Re: nokia 7210 --NHL-4
Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2005 09:16:27 +0800
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (X11/20050727)

strnge, i tried this morning and it works :/ same settings as before,
with the AT drivers, if i will find logs what happened last time to AT
will post them. I can remember only that it tried to read phone, and
just showed hex addresses and continous small loops, then quitted.

>2005/9/8, michal <address@hidden>:
>>yes, i had read the comment, and followed it through. But my question
>>still is  more/less similar. is it possible to connect nokia 7210 with
>>gnokii through irda? i had seen Your forum posts, Pawel,for 7210,
>>followed them, but no help.
>How come? I did write that you can use AT driver.
>>   So, shall i try another programs (no offence here) or i will get
>>similar errors??
>No idea.

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