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Re: Gnokii, bluetooth, and a 6230i.

From: Peter Robinson
Subject: Re: Gnokii, bluetooth, and a 6230i.
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 14:11:33 +0100

Hey Nat,

I have a 6230i running over bluetooth with no problems. The differences between my config and yours seems to be that I use channel 14 (not 15).

I also had problems with getting prompted for a pin when I originally configured it and had to comment out the dbus_pin_helper option in /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf to force it to prompt using the  pin_helper (maybe this is just a problem with FC4).

See how you go with that, if it doesn't work I'll dig deeper to see what else differs.


On 9/9/05, Nat Friedman < address@hidden> wrote:

Hey party people,

I'm having some trouble getting 0.6.8 to talk to my 6230i.  I can see
the device with hcitool, can ping it with l2ping, can bind it with
rfcomm, and sdptool browse reports the various available services (see

However, gnokii --identify fails:

        # gnokii --identify
        GNOKII Version 0.6.8
        LOG: debug mask is 0x1
        phone instance config:
        model: 6510
        port_device: 00:13:70:A8:8A:62
        connection_type: 5
        init_length: 0
        serial_baudrate: 19200
        serial_write_usleep: -1
        hardware_handshake: 0
        require_dcd: 0
        smsc_timeout: 100
        rfcomm_cn: 15
        sm_retry: off
        Serial device: opening device 00:13:70:A8:8A:62
        Can't connect: Resource temporarily unavailable
        Couldn't open PHONET device: Resource temporarily unavailable
        Error in link initialisation: 1
        Telephone interface init failed: Command failed.
        Serial device: closing device

My gnokiirc:

        port = 00:13:70:A8:8A:62
        model = 6510
        initlength = default
        connection = bluetooth
        serial_baudrate = 19200
        rfcomm_channel = 15
        smsc_timeout = 10

        bindir = /usr/sbin

        TELEPHONE = 12345678


        debug = on
        rlpdebug = off
        xdebug = off

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!


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