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Re: gnokii & irda problems

From: vittorio
Subject: Re: gnokii & irda problems
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 11:27:00 +0000
User-agent: KMail/1.8.3

Alle 21:14, giovedì 05 gennaio 2006, Pawel Kot ha scritto:
> Hi,
> 2006/1/5, vittorio <address@hidden>:
> > P.S. This is the result of running
> >
> > # gnokiid
> Why the hell do you want to run gnokiid? Could you please point me to
> the part of the docs that made you think you need it. I will cut it
> out and burn.
> take care,
> pkot
> --
> Pawel Kot

Pawel, take into account my relative unexperience with this kind of 
communication and consider:
1) I thought - as a newbye with this stuff - that nokia 6610i and the likes 
were similar to those "winmodems" that are hard to deal with  unices (linux 
and BSDs particularly) because a special driver is needed. So I considered of 
using both the irda stuff (ircomm specifically) + a special driver for the 
nokia cell, gnokiid.
Once upon a time I had been the fortunate owner of a Siemens S45 with 
communicated happily with my notebook simply through irda & ircomm. Then I 
was the unfortunate owner of a nokia 8210 which worked under windows with its 
own special drivers but was dead under linux. No way to work or of been 

2) Therefore, in the packaged documentation coming with gnokii under FreeBSD 
the main README file suggest:
                              - G N O K I I -
              (C) 1999 - 2003 Hugh Blemings & Pavel Janík ml.
                         (C) 2001 - 2005 Pawe³ Kot
                Last update  9 November 2005  Version 0.6.10

- Contents -

1.0   Introduction
2.0   About the applications
3.0   Notes for specific model phones
4.0   Installation from source
5.0   Installation of pre-built binaries
6.0   Configuration
The first application, gnokii, is a command line utility that was originally
provided to assist developers and interested users in working with the low
level API functions that were being developed.
The third part of the suite is gnokiid.  gnokiid provides a virtual modem
interface, /dev/gnokii that looks like a regular Hayes-AT compatible modem
with the ETSI defined extensions for GSM phones.  What this means in
practical terms is that you can treat the /dev/gnokii device like an
ordinary modem and use it to make data calls from pppd or a terminal
application like minicom.

That clarified, I would highly appreciate if someone would point me out in a 
straightforward way, step by step, what I should should do to make my 6610i 
phone connect to the notebook via irda OR a piece of documentation where in 
the same simple way I could operate that communication.

Thanks for your answer.

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