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Re: Nokia N70's phonebook

From: Pawel Kot
Subject: Re: Nokia N70's phonebook
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 09:32:13 +0100


On 2/21/06, gingkuckuck <address@hidden> wrote:
> - I had to increase GN_PHONEBOOK_SUBENTRIES_MAX_NUMBER. Set it to 50,
> don't know how many subentries the N70 actually allows.

OK. I'll increase it. The disadvantage is that we allocate statically
memory for that. Maybe it is worth making it dynamic.

> - gnokii sucessfully reads multiple number fields, email addresses etc.


> - also the non-US-ASCII chars are correctly printed


> - but some fields are missing:
>   - Firma (company)
>   - Position
>   - Aliasname
>   - DTMF (whatever that is)
>   - Benutzerkennung (user id?)
>   - all postal fields:
>     - Postfach (PO Box)
>     - Zusatz (additional?)
>     - Straße (address)
>     - Postleitzahl (zip/postal code)
>     - Stadt (city)
>     - Bundesland (state/province)
>     - Land (country)
>   - Geburtstag (birthday)

Could you give some data type description for the each entry type?

> Is there an easy way to enable gnokii to read these fields too? A little
> knowledge in programming C is available...

Sure :-)

take care,
Pawel Kot

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