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Re: Nokia 3100 USB CA-42

From: A. Andria
Subject: Re: Nokia 3100 USB CA-42
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 07:57:38 +0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

BORGULYA Gábor wrote:
2006. October 23. 08.03 dátummal Pawel Kot ezt írta:
On 10/23/06, BORGULYA Gábor <address@hidden> wrote:
2006. October 23. 00.05 dátummal Pawel Kot ezt írta:
You gave incorrect port in the config file.
Thank you. The port line of my .gnokiirc is the following:
port = /dev/ttyUSB0

Can you guess what the correct port setting would be?
It depends on your setup: udev/hotplug rules.

Thanks. I know too little about udev. Could you point me to a relevant howto? (Or eventually write more about it?)



Just share my experience. I've the same problem with you on the past with my Nokia 3120. But, then i change the cable with serial CA-42 (COM port), not USB CA-42. And then my gnokii running with Nokia 3120. Some USB cable didn't work on linux. You need an extra hour to make your USB cable recognized by the linux.


Asep Andria I.W.

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