>Mehdi Sadri wrote:
>> when i try to send a bitmap file (72x28 mono) unhandled error was
>> eccure and program ended, such :
>> D:\gnokii-069\win32\MSVC6\Debug>gnokii --sendlogo picture
>> 00989181310333 d:\1.bmp
>> GNOKII Version 0.6.9
>Do you think it would be possible to try the same thing with the latest
>Gnokii? There are ready made Win32 binaries available for download at
>Gnokii download site
http://gnokii.org/download/gnokii/binaries/msvc2005/). You need to
>choose if you want the binaries only on a zip, or the installer package
>with setup.exe.
>If that still does not work, please report that.
>Jari Turkia
I download the latest version, but it has a problem with stdin:
"Please enter SMS text. End your input with <cr><control-D>:Couldn't read from stdin!"
finaly by downloading source code and some manipulations it works, but the logo sending makes error yet.
------------------------sending sms : (no error)
D:\gnokii0614\win32\MSVS2005\Debug>gnokii --sendsms 00989181310333
GNOKII Version 0.6.14
Please enter SMS text. End your input with <cr><control-D>:test
Send succeeded!
------------------------sending oprator logo : (no error)
D:\gnokii0614\win32\MSVS2005\Debug>gnokii --sendlogo op 00989181310333 d:\2.bmp 43211
GNOKII Version 0.6.14
Sending operator logo.
Send succeeded!
------------------------sending picture message : (make error)
D:\gnokii0614\win32\MSVS2005\Debug>gnokii --sendlogo picture 00989181310333 d:\1.bmp
GNOKII Version 0.6.14
Sending Multipart Message: Picture Message.
Please enter SMS text. End your input with <cr><control-D>:test
phone : Nokia6230
connection : serial via bluetooth
model = AT
OS : WinXP sp2
build : VC++ 2005
Mehdi Sadri