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Re: Please Help Me..gnookiirc config for nokia 6610 and CA-42 Cable

From: rishi pathak
Subject: Re: Please Help Me..gnookiirc config for nokia 6610 and CA-42 Cable
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2006 12:07:09 +0530

HI Zee,
         The problem seems to be coming either from port or from connection type.
          After plugging the cable , go to the hardware manager and see on what port the cable got detected.For the connection , try using serial too. For going to device manager right click on my computer and select manage. Then on the window that came select device manager and then select  PORTS.

On 12/14/06, zee antasena <address@hidden > wrote:

I'm using gnokii version 0.6.3 and under win xp..for device i'm using nokia 6610 and CA-42 Cable..and here is my config, and my pc located CA-42 cable in port 11

port = com11:
model = 6610
initlength = default
connection = dau9p (for this i try using dlr3p)
use_locking = no
serial_baudrate = 9600
smsc_timeout = 10
TELEPHONE = 12345678
debug = off
rlpdebug = off
xdebug = off

but my gnokii get error messages : Couldn't Open FBUS device :

my question: why this error happened..what should i do for this config..


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