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libpcsclite driver for gnokii

From: Daniele Forsi
Subject: libpcsclite driver for gnokii
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2007 19:27:23 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.4

I've committed to CVS a driver to read the contents of SIM or USIM cards 
inserted in Smart Card reader using libpcsclite. Feedback is appreciated.

The rationale for this driver is that if you can't put your SIM in a working 
phone (think broken phone, Operator Lock or (U)SIM Lock) or you haven't got 
Bluetooth, IrDa or a suitable cable, maybe you can find a Smart Card reader 
and copy your numbers, if you stored them on the SIM.

At this moment it can only *read* from the phonebooks; supported memories are 
SM, EN, FD, ON, SD and BD if the SIM has them, the last two being "Service 
Dialing Numbers" and "Barred Dialing Numbers". It can't *write* to the 
phonebooks and it doesn't support SMS at all (not that modern phones store 
them on the SIM, but some people will undoubtely want to read them from the 

The only supported command right now are --identify and --getphonebook

To use this driver you need a PC/SC compatible Smart Card reader supported by 
libpcsclite, libpcsclite with its include files and you must compile the 
sources for gnokii version 0.6.20cvs or later.

More information about this driver is in the Docs/README-PCSC file at

The home page for pcsclite is


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