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Re: gnokii 0.6.26 on FreeBSD 7

From: Guido Falsi
Subject: Re: gnokii 0.6.26 on FreeBSD 7
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2008 19:51:46 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20081128)

Mika Chu wrote:
Dear Guido,
I installed the patch, make deinstall gnokii, make it again, yes it began to fetch .27 version, but make process happened lots of error and stopped. I think I can wait for FreeBSD 7.1, just heard I should wait for more 3-4 weeks:)
I still need buy another GSM modem, I want to try USB cable for that.
Thanks your kindy help!

Yes 7.1 should be near.

Anyway if you're getting errors I'd like to see those. Maybe the update is not as bulletproof as I thought. Can you send a log of the build which give errors directly to my email?

Guido Falsi <address@hidden>

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