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Re: Cant get sms on Nokia 6131

From: Jari Turkia
Subject: Re: Cant get sms on Nokia 6131
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 09:38:42 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20081105)

Edgar Solis wrote:
I have a issue getting an sms for Nokia 6131and Gnokii runnig un windows I
just empty the inbox, then I sent a message to the 6131.
C:\utils\gnokii-0.6.27-win32>gnokii --config gnokiirc --showsmsfolderstatus
GNOKII Version 0.6.27

According to previous conversations on this mailing list, there has been significant changes in 6131 (Series40) code. Since the version you're using does not have these important changes, you end up with two obvious options: 1) try nightly build version from it definitely has all the latest changes (including those which may cause instability)
2) not use 6131

Hopefully 1) will yield acceptable results.

Jari Turkia

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