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xgnokii with two phones

From: yahoo-pier_andreit
Subject: xgnokii with two phones
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 21:16:51 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

Gnokii works well with this gnokiirc file and this commands:
gnokii --phone rosso --identify
gnokii --phone blu --identify

How can I manage to work xgnokii too with two phones??

thnx e ciao

port = 00:1F:01:62:CC:69
model = AT
initlength = default
connection = bluetooth
use_locking = no
serial_baudrate = 19200
#handshake = software
smsc_timeout = 10

port = 00:1d:fd:2a:bd:14
model = AT
initlength = default
connection = bluetooth
use_locking = no
serial_baudrate = 19200
#handshake = software
smsc_timeout = 10

port = 00:1F:01:62:CC:69
model = AT
initlength = default
connection = bluetooth
use_locking = no
serial_baudrate = 19200
#handshake = software
smsc_timeout = 10

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