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Re: Dialing failed: The given memory location is invalid.

From: Pawel Kot
Subject: Re: Dialing failed: The given memory location is invalid.
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 13:20:56 +0200

Hi Pat,

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 12:22, Pat Carroll <address@hidden> wrote:
> this is essentially a repost but the previous post had an unhelpful subject
> line.
> I'm hoping this one get's more results.

It's rather because supporting team is small and with very limited
time which we rather spend on development than support.

> I'm trying out gnokki 0.6.22 using the Command Line Interface on Ubuntu
> server 8.04.4 LTS.

The first suggestion is to leave middle ages and enter 21st century.
0.6.22 version is so old that even the oldest people on this planed
hardly remember the release celebration.
But seriously, we're fixed so many bugs since there that we cannot say
if any of these could affect you. Your Ubuntu version is also closer
to be retired so it might be worth considering upgrade.

> 41 54 44 54 30 38 37 32 30 32 37 30 32 39 3b 0d | ATDT0812345678;
> write: [ATDT0812345678;<cr>]
> read : address@hidden;<cr><cr><lf>+CME ERROR: 21<cr><lf>]
> Message received: 0x39 / 0x0022
> 05 00 15 44 54 30 38 37 32 30 32 37 30 32 39 3b |    DT0812345678;
> 0d 0d 0a 2b 43 4d 45 20 45 52 52 4f 52 3a 20 32 |    +CME ERROR: 2
> 31 0d                                           | 1
> Received message type 39
> Dialing failed: The given memory location is invalid.

Well, it's rather cryptic message from Sony Ericsson. CME Error 21
means "Invalid index" according to the specs. However there are few
strange things here:
 - semicolon being sent at the end of the line
 - the line "read : address@hidden;<cr>..." - is it the form you got
it or was it somehow converted on the way?
Anyhow I strongly recommend using gnokii 0.6.29 or GIT version and if
the problem remains get back to use with the problem report.

take care,
Pawel Kot

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