On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 4:09 PM, Daniele Forsi
<address@hidden> wrote:
2010/12/15 kmshetty:
> If I understand correctly, we can do browsing using gnokii?
no, you can't
> $ echo "This is a test message" | gnokii --sendsms XXX2339212
search your SMSC number in your phone and use it with the --smsc option
for example:
echo "This is a test message" | gnokii --sendsms XXX2339212 --smsc 12345678
> GNOKII Version 0.6.12
that's too old, there have been 17 (seventeen) releases after that and
we fixed tons of bugs
> Message sent: 0x23 / 0x0009
> 41 54 2b 43 53 43 41 3f 0d | AT+CSCA?
> write: [AT+CSCA?<cr>]
> read : [AT+CSCA?<cr><cr><lf>+CSCA: "",<cr><lf><cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>]
> Message received: 0x23 / 0x001d
> 02 41 54 2b 43 53 43 41 3f 0d 0d 0a 2b 43 53 43 | AT+CSCA? +CSC
> 41 3a 20 22 22 2c 0d 0a 0d 0a 4f 4b 0d | A: "", OK
> Received message type 23
that's your problem: the SMSC number stored in your SIM (or in your
phone) is empty