Can you please properly quote the messages? Thanks.
On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 18:58, Tristan Drinkwater <address@hidden> wrote:
Please apply the following changes.
> void at_nokia_init(char* foundmodel, char* setupmodel, struct gn_statemachine *state)
> {
> /* block writing of phone memory on nokia phones other than */
> /* 8210. if you write to the phonebook of a eg 7110 all extended */
> /* information will be lost. */
dprintf("entering at_nokia_init\n");
> if (strncasecmp("8210", foundmodel, 4))
> writephonebook = at_insert_send_function(GN_OP_WritePhonebook, WritePhonebook, state);
> /* premicell does not want sms centers in PDU packets (send & */
> /* receive) */
> if (!strncasecmp("0301", foundmodel, 4) || !strncasecmp("Nokia Cellular Data Adapter", foundmodel, 27))
dprintf("no smsc\n");
> AT_DRVINST(state)->no_smsc = 1;
> /* Nokias support just mode 1 */
> AT_DRVINST(state)->cnmi_mode = 1;
> at_insert_recv_function(GN_OP_AT_IncomingSMS, ReplyIncomingSMS, state);
> }
take care,
Pawel Kot
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