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[gnuastro-commits] master d69d555c 1/2: psf-scale-factor: sub-pixel cent

From: Mohammad Akhlaghi
Subject: [gnuastro-commits] master d69d555c 1/2: psf-scale-factor: sub-pixel centering while computing the PSF scale factor
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2022 09:53:35 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit d69d555c81e5f76b2f896d82b47c58b7ce45f3d0
Author: Raul Infante-Sainz <>
Commit: Raul Infante-Sainz <>

    psf-scale-factor: sub-pixel centering while computing the PSF scale factor
    Until now, no sub-pixel centering of the input star was done for computing
    the scaling factor of the PSF. But this could cause variations in the
    scaling of the PSF because of the non perfect aligntment of the PSF and the
    target star.
    With this commit the sub-pixel centering procedure has been added. Now the
    computation of the scaling factor is done on a sub-pixel centered star
    stamp. In addition to that, a small bug has been corrected in the
    'psf-subtract' script. It was a systematic subraction of '1' in the
    shifting of the PSF while positioning it in the place of the star.
 bin/script/ | 145 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 bin/script/     |   8 +--
 2 files changed, 138 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bin/script/ b/bin/script/
index fe91b77b..a917910e 100644
--- a/bin/script/
+++ b/bin/script/
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ tmpdir=""
@@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ $scriptname options:
   -P, --psfhdu=STR        HDU/extension of the PSF image.
   -O, --mode=STR          Coordinates mode ('wcs' or 'img').
   -c, --center=FLT,FLT    Center coordinates of the object.
-  -W, --widthinpix=INT    Width of the stamp in pixels.
+  -W, --widthinpix=INT,INT Width of the stamp in pixels.
   -n, --normradii=INT,INT Minimum and maximum radii (in pixels)
                           for computing the scaling factor value.
   -S, --segment=STR       Output of Segment (with OBJECTS and CLUMPS).
@@ -488,7 +489,11 @@ fi
 # maximum radius for computing the flux factor. This is the maximum radius
 # that is needed for computing the flux value.
 if [ x"$widthinpix" = x ]; then
-    widthinpix=$(astarithmetic $normradiusmax float32 2.0 x 1.0 + --quiet)
+    xwidthinpix=$(astarithmetic $normradiusmax float32 2.0 x 1.0 + --quiet)
+    ywidthinpix=$(astarithmetic $normradiusmax float32 2.0 x 1.0 + --quiet)
+    xwidthinpix=$(echo $widthinpix | awk '{print $1}')
+    ywidthinpix=$(echo $widthinpix | awk '{print $2}')
@@ -502,7 +507,8 @@ fi
 astcrop $inputs --hdu=$hdu --mode=img \
         --center=$xcenter,$ycenter \
-        --width=$widthinpix --output=$cropped $quiet
+        --width=$xwidthinpix,$ywidthinpix\
+        --output=$cropped $quiet
@@ -557,11 +563,13 @@ EOF
         astcrop $segment --hdu=OBJECTS --mode=img \
+                --width=$xwidthinpix,$ywidthinpix \
                 --center=$xcenter,$ycenter \
-                --width=$widthinpix --output=$cropobj $quiet
+                --output=$cropobj $quiet
         astcrop $segment --hdu=CLUMPS --mode=img \
+                --width=$xwidthinpix,$ywidthinpix \
                 --center=$xcenter,$ycenter \
-                --width=$widthinpix --output=$cropclp $quiet
+                --output=$cropclp $quiet
         # Mask all the undesired regions.
@@ -581,6 +589,120 @@ fi
+# Function to simplify checks in each dimension
+# ---------------------------------------------
+# If the bottom-left edge of the crop is outside the image, the minimum
+# coordinate needs to be modified from the value in the 'ICF1PIX' keyword
+# of the output of the Crop program.
+first_pix_in_img () {
+    # This function takes a single argument: the dimension to work on.
+    dim=$1
+    # Find the minimim and maximum from the cropped image.
+    if [ $dim = x ]; then
+        width=$xwidthinpix
+        min=$(echo "$overlaprange" | awk '{print $1}')
+        max=$(echo "$overlaprange" | awk '{print $2}')
+    elif [ $dim = y ]; then
+        width=$ywidthinpix
+        min=$(echo "$overlaprange" | awk '{print $3}')
+        max=$(echo "$overlaprange" | awk '{print $4}')
+    else
+        cat <<EOF
+$scriptname: ERROR: a bug! Please contact with us at The 
value of 'dim' is "$dim" and not recognized
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    # Check if it is necessary to correct the position. If the bottom-left
+    # corner of the image (which defines the zero coordinate along both
+    # dimensions) has fallen outside of the image, then the minimum value
+    # of 'ICF1PIX' in that dimension will be '1'.
+    #
+    # Therefore, if the minimum value is not '1', then everything is fine
+    # and no correction is necessary! We'll just return the minimum
+    # value. Otherwise, we need to return a negative minimum pixel value to
+    # obtain the correct position of the object from 'ICF1PIX' (which only
+    # has the region of the input that overlapped with the output). It is
+    # necessary to add '1' because the first pixel has a coordiante of 1,
+    # not 0.
+    if [ $min = 1 ]; then
+        echo "$max $width" | awk '{if($1==$2) print 1; else print $1-$2+1}'
+    else
+        echo $min
+    fi
+# In the FITS standard, the integer coordinates are defined on the center
+# of each pixel. On the other hand, the centers of objects can be anywhere
+# (not exactly in the center of the pixel!). In this scenario, we should
+# move the center of the object to the center of the pixel with a sub-pixel
+# warp. In this part of the script we will calculate the necessary
+# sub-pixel translation and use Warp to center the object on the pixel
+# grid. The user can disable this with the '--nocentering' option.
+if [ $nocentering = 0 ]; then
+    # Read the overlap range from the 'ICF1PIX' keyword (which is printed
+    # in all outputs of Crop).
+    overlaprange=$(astfits $cropped -h1 --keyvalue=ICF1PIX -q \
+                       | sed -e's|:| |g' -e's|,| |')
+    # Calculate the position of the bottom-left pixel of the cropped image
+    # in relation to the input image.
+    minx=$(first_pix_in_img x)
+    miny=$(first_pix_in_img y)
+    # Due to cropping, the image coordinate should be shifted by a certain
+    # number (integer) of pixels (leaving the sub-pixel center intact).
+    stmcoord=$(echo "$xcenter $ycenter $minx $miny" \
+                   | awk '{printf "%g %g\n", $1-$3+1, $2-$4+1}')
+    # Calculate the displacement (or value to give to '--translate' in
+    # Warp), and the new center of the star after translation (or value of
+    # '--center' in Crop):
+    #  1. At first we extract the sub-pixel displacement ('x' and 'y').
+    #  2. If the displacement is larger than 0.5, then after the warp, the
+    #     center will be shifted by one pixel.  Otherwise, if the
+    #     displacement is smaller than 0.5, we shift the grid backwards by
+    #     mutiplying it by -1 and don't add any shift.
+    #  3. Add 'xshift' and 'yshit' valut to integer of x and y coordinate
+    #     and add final value to one.
+    warpcoord=$(echo "$stmcoord" \
+          | awk '{x=$1-int($1); y=$2-int($2); \
+                  if(x>0.5){x=1-x; xshift=1} else {x*=-1; xshift=0}; \
+                  if(y>0.5){y=1-y; yshift=1} else {y*=-1; yshift=0}; \
+                  printf("%f,%f %d,%d\n", x, y, \
+                  int($1)+xshift+1, int($2)+yshift+1)}')
+    # Warp image based on the measured displacement (first component of the
+    # output above).
+    warpped=$tmpdir/cropped-masked-warpforcenter-$objectid.fits
+    DXY=$(echo "$warpcoord" | awk '{print $1}')
+    astwarp $cropped_masked --translate=$DXY --output=$warpped
+    # Crop image based on the calculated shift (second component of the
+    # output above).
+    centermsk=$tmpdir/cropped-masked-centered-$objectid.fits
+    CXY=$(echo "$warpcoord" | awk '{print $2}')
+    astcrop $warpped -h1 \
+            --mode=img --output=$centermsk \
+            --center=$CXY --width=$xwidthinpix,$ywidthinpix
+    # If the user did not want to correct the center of image, we'll use
+    # the raw crop as input for the next step.
+    centermsk=$cropped_masked
 # Crop the PSF image with the same size.
 psfxcenter=$(astfits $psf -h$psfhdu --keyvalue=NAXIS1 -q \
@@ -589,7 +711,8 @@ psfycenter=$(astfits $psf -h$psfhdu --keyvalue=NAXIS2 -q \
                  | awk '{print $1/2+0.5}')
 astcrop $psf --hdu=$psfhdu --mode=img \
         --center=$psfxcenter,$psfycenter \
-        --width=$widthinpix --output=$psfcropped $quiet
+        --width=$xwidthinpix,$ywidthinpix \
+        --output=$psfcropped $quiet
@@ -597,10 +720,12 @@ astcrop $psf --hdu=$psfhdu --mode=img \
 # Build a radial profile image. It will be used to only select pixels
 # within the requested radial range.
-radcenter=$(echo $widthinpix | awk '{print $1/2+0.5}')
-radradius=$(echo $widthinpix | awk '{print $1+2}')
+xradcenter=$(echo $xwidthinpix | awk '{print $1/2+0.5}')
+yradcenter=$(echo $ywidthinpix | awk '{print $1/2+0.5}')
+maxradius=$(printf "$xwidthinpix\n$ywidthinpix" \
+                   | aststatistics --maximum --quiet)
-echo "1 $radcenter $radcenter 7 $radradius 0 0 1 1 1" \
+echo "1 $xradcenter $yradcenter 7 $maxradius 0 0 1 1 1" \
      | astmkprof --background=$psfcropped --clearcanvas \
                  --oversample=1 --output=$radcropped $quiet
@@ -610,7 +735,7 @@ echo "1 $radcenter $radcenter 7 $radradius 0 0 1 1 1" \
 # Find the multiplication factor
-astarithmetic $cropped -h1 set-i \
+astarithmetic $centermsk -h1 set-i \
               $psfcropped -h1 set-p \
               $radcropped -h1 set-r \
               r $normradiusmin lt r $normradiusmax ge or set-m \
diff --git a/bin/script/ b/bin/script/
index 80955cf6..caf50082 100644
--- a/bin/script/
+++ b/bin/script/
@@ -549,11 +549,9 @@ ypsfcenter=$(astarithmetic $ypsfaxis float32 2.0 / --quiet)
 # In order to allocate the PSF into the center coordinates provided by the
 # user, it is necessary to compute the appropiate offsets along the X and Y
-# axis. After that, the PSF image is warped using that offsets. Note that
-# in order to account for a 1 pixel offset, it is necessary to subtract the
-# value 1.
-xdiff=$(astarithmetic $xcenter float32 $xpsfcenter float32 - 1.0 - --quiet)
-ydiff=$(astarithmetic $ycenter float32 $ypsfcenter float32 - 1.0 - --quiet)
+# axis. After that, the PSF image is warped using that offsets.
+xdiff=$(astarithmetic $xcenter float32 $xpsfcenter float32 - --quiet)
+ydiff=$(astarithmetic $ycenter float32 $ypsfcenter float32 - --quiet)
 astwarp $psffluxscaled --translate=$xdiff,$ydiff \

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