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[gnuastro-commits] master c85f8100 04/11: psf-subtract: positioning the

From: Mohammad Akhlaghi
Subject: [gnuastro-commits] master c85f8100 04/11: psf-subtract: positioning the PSF image by Warp instead of Crop
Date: Fri, 17 May 2024 08:01:31 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit c85f8100e415a99605d5fb8521d0d2a24ef94a2b
Author: Raul Infante-Sainz <>
Commit: Mohammad Akhlaghi <>

    psf-subtract: positioning the PSF image by Warp instead of Crop
    Until now, the PSF was allocated into the right posision of the sky by
    using Crop. However, computing the necessary shifts and translations
    necessary for Crop was not easy.
    With this commit, the way the PSF is warped into the  correct sky position
    has changed. Now it is done by Warp. In the cases where no WCS information
    are available from the input image, fake WCS information is used.  If the
    input imate does contain WCS info, then it is used. The key idea is to
    situate the center of the PSF image in the center of the object (star) that
    is being subtracted.
 bin/script/ |   1 -
 bin/script/     | 258 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 2 files changed, 157 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bin/script/ b/bin/script/
index bb978a8f..4dd54d60 100644
--- a/bin/script/
+++ b/bin/script/
@@ -684,7 +684,6 @@ yshiftswcs=$(echo $yshifts \
 for xs in $(seq $xshiftswcs); do
     for ys in $(seq $yshiftswcs); do
         # Compute the shifts in WCS
        xspix=$(astarithmetic $xs $xpscale / --quiet)
        yspix=$(astarithmetic $ys $ypscale / --quiet)
diff --git a/bin/script/ b/bin/script/
index 395865ba..6f408240 100644
--- a/bin/script/
+++ b/bin/script/
@@ -387,23 +387,48 @@ fi
+# Fake WCS info for no-WCS inputs and PSF image
+# ---------------------------------------------
+# This fake WCS information is used if the input image does not have
+# astrometric information. In the same way, it is used for the PSF because
+# in principle the PSF image never has WCS information.
+# For the input image with no WCS info. The WCS injected is the following:
+# - crpix1,crpix2 is the center of the object to be PSF-modeled/subtracted.
+# - That pixel position is assigned to the crval1,crval2 sky position.
+# - The pixel scale is defined by cdelt1,cdelt2 (in arcsec).
+# For PSF image, we assume it does not have WCS information. In this case:
+# - crpix1,crpix2 is the center of the image (i.e., the center of the PSF).
+# - That pixel position is assigned to the crval1,crval2 sky position.
+# - The pixel scale is defined by cdelt1,cdelt2 (in arcsec).
 # Center coordinates and default object label
 # -------------------------------------------
-# Obtain the coordinates of the center.
+# Obtain the coordinates of the center and generate a specific label for
+# the object consisting in its coordinates.
 xcoord=$(echo "$center" | awk 'BEGIN{FS=","} {print $1}')
 ycoord=$(echo "$center" | awk 'BEGIN{FS=","} {print $2}')
-# With the center coordinates, generate a specific label for the object
-# consisting in its coordinates.
-# Define a temporal directory and thefinal output file
-# ----------------------------------------------------
+# Define a temporal directory and the final output file
+# -----------------------------------------------------
 # Construct the temporary directory. If the user does not specify any
 # directory, then a default one with the base name of the input image will
@@ -442,43 +467,6 @@ fi
-# Transform WCS to IMG center coordinates
-# ---------------------------------------
-# If the original coordinates have been given in WCS or celestial units
-# (RA/DEC), then transform them to IMG (pixel). Here, this is done by using
-# the WCS information from the original input image. If the original
-# coordinates were done in IMG, then just use them.
-if [ "$mode" = wcs ]; then
-  xycenter=$(echo "$xcoord,$ycoord" \
-                  | asttable  --column='arith $1 $2 wcs-to-img' \
-                              --wcsfile=$inputs --wcshdu=$hdu $quiet)
-  xcenter=$(echo "$xycenter" | awk '{print $1}')
-  ycenter=$(echo "$xycenter" | awk '{print $2}')
-  xcenter=$xcoord
-  ycenter=$ycoord
-# Scale the PSF with the given factor
-# -----------------------------------
-# The PSF absolute pixel values are not relevant since they are used to be
-# normalized somehow. Here, the input PSF is scaled (multiplied) by the
-# specified factor (--fluxfactor) in order to appropiately obtain the PSF
-# brightness.
-astarithmetic $psf --hdu=$psfhdu $scale float32 x \
-              --output=$psffluxscaled $quiet
 # Get the original inputs size
 # ----------------------------
@@ -499,17 +487,85 @@ naxises=$(echo $axises \
                | sed 's/n\/a//g' \
                | awk '{print NF}')
 if [ x$naxises = x4 ]; then
-    xaxis=$(echo $axises | awk '{print $1}')
-    yaxis=$(echo $axises | awk '{print $2}')
+    naxis1=$(echo $axises | awk '{print $1}')
+    naxix2=$(echo $axises | awk '{print $2}')
-    xaxis=$(echo $axises | awk '{print $3}')
-    yaxis=$(echo $axises | awk '{print $4}')
+    naxis1=$(echo $axises | awk '{print $3}')
+    naxis2=$(echo $axises | awk '{print $4}')
+# Transform WCS to IMG center coordinates
+# ---------------------------------------
+# If the original coordinates have been given in WCS or celestial units
+# (RA/DEC), then transform them to IMG (pixel). Here, this is done by using
+# the WCS information from the original input image. If the original
+# coordinates were done in IMG, then just use them.
+if [ "$mode" = wcs ]; then
+    xycenter=$(echo "$xcoord,$ycoord" \
+                   | asttable  --column='arith $1 $2 wcs-to-img' \
+                               --wcsfile=$inputs --wcshdu=$hdu $quiet)
+    # Center coordinates in WCS and IMG
+    xcwcs=$xcoord
+    ycwcs=$ycoord
+    xcimg=$(echo "$xycenter" | awk '{print $1}')
+    ycimg=$(echo "$xycenter" | awk '{print $2}')
+    inputs_wcs=$inputs
+    # If the mode is WCS, the output should have WCS information
+    wcsoutputinfo=""
+    crval1=$xcoord
+    crval2=$ycoord
+    cdelt1=$(astfits $inputs --hdu $hdu --pixelscale --quiet | awk '{print 
+    cdelt2=$(astfits $inputs --hdu $hdu --pixelscale --quiet | awk '{print 
+    # Fake WCS for the image is constructed by setting the center (in IMG)
+    # to the center of the WCS information.
+    center1=$xcoord
+    center2=$ycoord
+    fake_wcs=$tmpdir/fake-wcs-$objectid.fits
+    echo "1 $center1 $center2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1" \
+        | astmkprof --oversample=1 \
+                    --type=uint8 \
+                    --cunit=$cunits \
+                    --output=$fake_wcs \
+                    --cdelt=$cdelt1,$cdelt2 \
+                    --crval=$crval1,$crval2 \
+                    --crpix=$center1,$center2 \
+                    --mergedsize=$naxis1,$naxis2
+    # Inject the fake WCS into the original image, its HDU becomes 1.
+    hdu=1
+    inputs_wcs=$tmpdir/input-wcsed-$objectid.fits
+    astarithmetic $inputs --hdu $hdu \
+                  --wcsfile=$fake_wcs --output $inputs_wcs
+    # Center coordinates in IMG and WCS
+    xycenter=$(echo "$xcoord,$ycoord" \
+                   | asttable  --column='arith $1 $2 img-to-wcs' \
+                               --wcsfile=$inputs_wcs --wcshdu=1 $quiet)
+    xcimg=$xcoord
+    ycimg=$ycoord
+    xcwcs=$(echo "$xycenter" | awk '{print $1}')
+    ycwcs=$(echo "$xycenter" | awk '{print $2}')
+    # If the mode is IMG, the output should not have WCS information
+    wcsoutputinfo="--wcsfile=none"
 # Get the center of the PSF
 # -------------------------
@@ -523,71 +579,68 @@ psfnaxises=$(echo $psfaxises \
                   | sed 's/n\/a//g' \
                   | awk '{print NF}')
 if [ x$psfnaxises = x4 ]; then
-    xpsfaxis=$(echo $psfaxises | awk '{print $1}')
-    ypsfaxis=$(echo $psfaxises | awk '{print $2}')
+    psfnaxis1=$(echo $psfaxises | awk '{print $1}')
+    psfnaxis2=$(echo $psfaxises | awk '{print $2}')
-    xpsfaxis=$(echo $psfaxises | awk '{print $3}')
-    ypsfaxis=$(echo $psfaxises | awk '{print $4}')
+    psfnaxis1=$(echo $psfaxises | awk '{print $3}')
+    psfnaxis2=$(echo $psfaxises | awk '{print $4}')
-# To obtain the center of the PSF (in pixels), just divide by 2 the size of
-# the PSF image.
-xpsfcenter=$(astarithmetic $xpsfaxis float32 2.0 / --quiet)
-ypsfcenter=$(astarithmetic $ypsfaxis float32 2.0 / --quiet)
-# Translate the PSF image
-# -----------------------
+# WCS for the PSF image
+# ---------------------
-# In order to allocate the PSF into the center coordinates provided by the
-# user, it is necessary to compute the appropiate offsets along the X and Y
-# axis. After that, the PSF image is warped using that offsets.
-xdiff=$(astarithmetic $xcenter float32 $xpsfcenter float32 - --quiet)
-ydiff=$(astarithmetic $ycenter float32 $ypsfcenter float32 - --quiet)
+# We assume that the PSF does not have WCS information. Here, fake WCS info
+# is included in order to use warp and center/re-size the PSF to the same
+# size than the warped image. Fake WCS is constructed from the information
+# defined above. In short: Center is the center of the PSF, but assignetd
+# to the center of the object/star in WCS coordinates.
+psfcenter1=$(echo $psfnaxis1 | awk '{print $1/2+0.5}')
+psfcenter2=$(echo $psfnaxis2 | awk '{print $1/2+0.5}')
+# Create the fake WCS image. No data, just WCS.
+echo "1 $psfcenter1 $psfcenter2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1" \
+    | astmkprof --oversample=1 \
+                --type=uint8 \
+                --cunit=$cunits \
+                --output=$psf_fake_wcs \
+                --cdelt=$cdelt1,$cdelt2 \
+                --crval=$crval1,$crval2 \
+                --crpix=$psfcenter1,$psfcenter2 \
+                --mergedsize=$psfnaxis1,$psfnaxis2
-astwarp $psffluxscaled --translate=$xdiff,$ydiff \
-                       --output=$psftranslated $quiet
+# Inject fake WCS and scale the PSF by the given factor
+# -----------------------------------------------------
+# The PSF absolute pixel values are not relevant since they are used to be
+# normalized somehow. Here, the input PSF is scaled (multiplied) by the
+# specified factor (--fluxfactor) in order to appropiately obtain the PSF
+# brightness. The fake WCS information is also added into the header.
+astarithmetic $psf --hdu=$psfhdu $scale float32 x \
+              --wcsfile=$psf_fake_wcs --output=$psf_wcs_scaled
-# Crop the PSF image
-# ------------------
+# Warp the PSF to into the correct position
+# -----------------------------------------
-# Once the PSF has been situated appropiately into the right position, it
-# is necessary to crop it with a sub-pixel precision as well as with the
-# same size than the original input image. Otherwise the subtraction of the
-# PSF or scattered light field model would not be possible. Here, this
-# cropping is done.
-xrange=$(echo "$xdiff $xaxis $xcenter" \
-              | awk '{if($1<0) \
-                       {i=int($1); \
-                        d=-1*i+1; \
-                        min=d; max=$2+d-1;} \
-                      else {min=1; max=$2} \
-                      i=int($3); {min=min+1; max=max+1}
-                      printf "%d:%d", min, max}')
-yrange=$(echo "$ydiff $yaxis $ycenter" \
-              | awk '{if($1<0) \
-                       {i=int($1); \
-                        d=-1*i+1; \
-                        min=d; max=$2+d-1;} \
-                      else {min=1; max=$2} \
-                      i=int($3); {min=min+1; max=max+1}
-                      printf "%d:%d", min, max}')
-# Once the necessary crop parameters have been computed, use the option
-# '--section' to get the PSF image with the correct size and the center
-# situated where the user has specified.
-astcrop $psftranslated --mode=img --section=$xrange,$yrange \
-        --output=$psfcropped $quiet
+# Once the PSF contains the WCS information to be properly positioned and
+# it has been flux scaled, here it is warped. The output is the model of
+# the object in the right position and with the appropriate flux level.
+astwarp $psf_wcs_scaled --gridfile=$inputs_wcs \
+        --gridhdu $hdu --output=$psf_warped $quiet
@@ -607,12 +660,14 @@ astcrop $psftranslated --mode=img 
--section=$xrange,$yrange \
 # stars (using the PSF) or the subtraction without having nan values in the
 # final subtracted image.
 if [ x"$modelonly" = x0 ]; then
-  astarithmetic $psfcropped --hdu=1 set-i \
+  astarithmetic $psf_warped --hdu=1 set-i \
                 i i isblank 0 where set-psf \
-                $inputs --hdu=$hdu psf - --output=$output $quiet
+                $inputs --hdu=$hdu psf - float32 \
+                $wcsoutputinfo --output=$output $quiet
-  astarithmetic $psfcropped --hdu=1 set-i \
-                i i isblank 0 where --output=$output $quiet
+  astarithmetic $psf_warped --hdu=1 set-i \
+                i i isblank 0 where float32 \
+                $wcsoutputinfo --output=$output $quiet
@@ -628,3 +683,4 @@ fi
 if [ $keeptmp = 0 ]; then
     rm -r $tmpdir

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