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Re: [gnugo-devel] olib & xlib definition

From: Arend Bayer
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] olib & xlib definition
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 16:41:17 +0100 (CET)

> I'd like to provide access to "approxlib" from the patterns as
> well, and think that it's probably sufficient to use "approxlib" 
> than "accurate_approxlib" usually, so I would propose changing
> xlib & olib as follows, and adding accurate_[ox]lib:
>  accurate_xlib: 
>    accurate_approxlib(%s, OTHER_COLOR(color), MAX_LIBERTIES, NULL)
>  accurate_olib: 
>    accurate_approxlib(%s, color, MAX_LIBERTIES, NULL)
>  xlib: 
>    approxlib(%s, OTHER_COLOR(color), MAX_LIBERTIES, NULL)
>  olib: 
>    approxlib(%s, color, MAX_LIBERTIES, NULL)

Is this really worth changing? In my nngs-test suite profiles,
accurate_approxlib used only 0.2% of CPU time (mainly from calls from
owl-pattern autohelpers). In contrast, approxlib used 4.8% of CPU time
(appr. 70% for calls from order_moves, the rest for calls from other
functions in reading.c). See the parts of the call graph below.


                0.00    0.00       9/542574188     combinations [60]
                0.00    0.00      41/542574188     find_semeai_backfilling_move 
                0.00    0.00     531/542574188     do_owl_defend <cycle 1> [14]
                0.00    0.00    1804/542574188     move_connects_strings [911]
                0.00    0.00    2182/542574188     special_rescue3 <cycle 2>
                0.12    0.00  165167/542574188     special_attack4 <cycle 2>
                0.13    0.00  182311/542574188     defend1 <cycle 2> [46]
                0.16    0.00  228837/542574188     break_chain3 <cycle 2> [334]
                0.42    0.00  603655/542574188     attack1 <cycle 2> [136]
                0.47    0.00  676174/542574188     attack3 <cycle 2> [45]
                0.96    0.00 1382619/542574188     do_find_superstring <cycle 2>
                1.25    0.00 1798092/542574188     edge_clamp [124]
                1.74    0.00 2502051/542574188     special_attack2 <cycle 2>
                2.40    0.00 3439835/542574188     special_rescue <cycle 2>
                4.26    0.00 6104655/542574188     break_chain2_moves [159]
               10.26    0.00 14720067/542574188     defend2 <cycle 2> [34]
               17.65    0.00 25309236/542574188     attack2 <cycle 2> [33]
               70.84    0.00 101585810/542574188
break_chain2_efficient_moves [86]
              267.68    0.00 383871112/542574188     order_moves [35]
[55]     4.8  378.35    0.00 542574188         approxlib [55]
                0.00    0.00    1804/1804        slow_approxlib [1478]

                0.00    0.00       2/2434065     autohelperowl_defendpat122
                0.00    0.00       5/2434065     autohelperendpat75 [1285]
                0.00    0.00       5/2434065     autohelperendpat76 [1283]
                0.00    0.00       5/2434065     autohelperendpat77 [1284]
                0.00    0.00       8/2434065     autohelperpat1089 [1257]
                0.00    0.00      10/2434065     autohelperpat1064 [1243]
                0.00    0.00      12/2434065     autohelperendpat78 [1241]
                0.00    0.00      12/2434065     autohelperendpat79 [1242]
                0.00    0.00      16/2434065     autohelperowl_vital_apat28
                0.00    0.00      19/2434065     autohelperendpat102 [1187]
                0.00    0.00      32/2434065     autohelperowl_attackpat83 [877]
                0.00    0.00      44/2434065     autohelperowl_defendpat126
                0.00    0.00      58/2434065     autohelperaa_attackpat0 [1121]
                0.00    0.00      95/2434065     autohelperowl_attackpat38 [691]
                0.00    0.00     121/2434065     autohelperpat1100 [587]
                0.00    0.00     178/2434065     confirm_safety [94]
                0.00    0.00     192/2434065     autohelperconn61 [546]
                0.00    0.00     221/2434065     autohelperowl_attackpat37 [992]
                0.00    0.00     259/2434065     autohelperowl_defendpat162
                0.00    0.00     261/2434065     autohelperpat1088 [525]
                0.00    0.00     382/2434065     autohelperdefpat31 [903]
                0.00    0.00     444/2434065     autohelperpat1067 [585]
                0.00    0.00     514/2434065     autohelperowl_defendpat169
                0.00    0.01    1095/2434065     autohelperowl_defendpat226
                0.00    0.01    1351/2434065     autohelperendpat101 [804]
                0.00    0.02    2987/2434065     autohelperendpat100 [292]
                0.00    0.03    4813/2434065     autohelperowl_defendpat237
                0.00    0.03    4819/2434065     autohelperowl_defendpat288
                0.00    0.04    5758/2434065     autohelperdefpat0 [640]
                0.01    0.05    6605/2434065     autohelperowl_vital_apat21
                0.01    0.06    8301/2434065     autohelperowl_attackpat60 [599]
                0.01    0.06    8635/2434065     autohelperowl_attackpat215
                0.01    0.07    9361/2434065     autohelperowl_attackpat117
                0.01    0.08   10938/2434065     autohelperowl_attackpat212
                0.02    0.21   30478/2434065     autohelperowl_defendpat408
                0.03    0.22   31474/2434065     autohelperowl_attackpat263
                0.03    0.30   42390/2434065     autohelperowl_defendpat404
                0.05    0.47   67338/2434065     autohelperowl_vital_apat44 [66]
                0.15    1.29  184395/2434065     autohelperowl_defendpat168
                0.77    6.70  956465/2434065     autohelperowl_vital_apat5 [180]
                0.84    7.39 1053967/2434065     autohelperowl_vital_apat0 [205]
[183]    0.2    1.95   17.06 2434065         accurate_approxlib [183]
                0.88   13.17 2434065/4577798     tryko [168]
                0.71    1.50 2027423/205642238     popgo [83]
                0.81    0.00 6317979/647495733     countlib [123]
                0.00    0.00     178/356711661     findlib [112]

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