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[gnugo-devel] updated

From: Arend Bayer
Subject: [gnugo-devel] updated
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 20:45:26 +0200 (CEST)

A while ago I posted a python script to automatically generate a
.tst-file that only contains the tests that yielded unexpected PASSes
or FAILs from a given "make test" or similar output. (I found this
extremely useful for finding out which parts of a patch actually do good.)

I've updated this and put it up at It should be a little
better in guessing the necessary context (i.e. it will hopefully undo
all "trymove"s with the necessary "popgo"s and similar stuff, provided
the .tst-file follows some reasonable expectations).

It also has a new feature, namely --update. With this option, it will
update all .tst-files in the regression directory and reset the expected
results according to the results found in the BREAKAGE as fed from
stdin. This should be useful for Dan and Gunnar, to do (pre-)releases

It is moderately tested, so maybe don't use it in directories for which
you have no back-up somewhere. But if it the parsing goes wrong
somewhere, the script should fail gracefully (i.e. some files will be
updated, some not, but no file will be corrupted).


help_string = """
Usage: <BREAKAGE_FILE >testfile.tst
        This creates an excerpt of all test cases that appear as unexpected
        PASS or FAIL in BREAKAGE_FILE and writes these test to
testfile.tst. --update <BREAKAGE_FILE
        This changes all .tst files so that the expected results match
        the behaviour of the version that produced BREAKAGE_FILE.
In both cases, it needs to be run from the regression test directory.

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